

To the degree that we see our world as the struggle of tribe versus tribe, we see the social fabric unraveled, shunning those with whom we don't vibe. Locked in unresolvable conflict, of class or of race or of creed, each tribe has identified its convict, and its end justifies every deed. To the degree that we see our world for the common ground we share, we see the social fabric unfurled, bridging gaps about which we don't care. Locked in undeniable unity, for our sameness outweighs our disputes, each tribe is merely an identity that makes us forget our true roots. [Source: Stable Diffusion] Published on Steemit


Always pay attention to what you are doing with your whole body. Always pay attention to what you are doing, with your whole body. No one escapes the effects of one's actions; all reap as each sows. Causes are to effects as spirit is to matter; time links each to its other. Consciousness is continuity of experience; experience is awareness ourself. [Image source for all of the above: Stable Diffusion 2.1] Published on Steemit

The Hard Problem

Some believe consciousness is an illusion. Others believe reality is the illusion. And some see both as they are.

You and Others

Your every relationship is an extension of you. Investing your attention increases value. What has value attracts your attention. Your every interest is you by extension.

Observer and Imposter

We think emotional pain comes from the outside and hurts us inside. We feel affected by the happening, like victims of circumstance. But emotions are the means by which our bodies feel our thoughts. And our thoughts are how our minds explain what we perceive. What we perceive is the result of what we let our attention explore. Our attention is like our breathing: automatic until intentional. If we attend to that which wants to explore the painful experience, we discover the imposter in us who feeds on chaos and despair. If we then attend to that which exposes the imposter for what it is, we discover our true self who knows the deep secret of our pain.

Apology and Forgiveness

It's easy to apologize when you find your mistake, the thing you wish not to repeat. You have then shined light on darkness. You have learned and become separate from it. You have understood your actions' impacts on others. An apology signifies that you've learned your lesson. An apology is also a prompting for forgiveness. An apology is an act of reconsolidation. Forgiveness is easy without a self. Answering a sincere apology, it creates compassion.

Who Are You?

The ancient inner child resides in DNA and is love. Consciousness is a 3D projection of the higher-dimensional self, currently underperforming. Innate is the body's intelligence of instinct, sensory wisdom of the inner child, unable to speak, for now. The corporeal self is but one part, projected into 4D reality, different every life. Another part stands separate for a purpose, protective and watchful but silent, until you ask for guidance. The remainder remains on the other side of the veil; cheering your victories and sharing your pain, the ancient inner child is always watching. The records of all that happens in every life, memories and experience and wisdom, live in the whales and dolphins. They are moments saved in the planet's crystalline grid, echoing horrors but amplifying compassion, replaying details preserved in context. They reside in the cave of creation, hidden safely within the planet, whose magnetic grid, whose matter, and whos